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syncreon Carlisle Launches Talent Academy Program for Individuals with Disabilities

Following the grand opening of syncreon Carlisle, PA in June, the site launched the Talent Academy program in August 2018! The Talent Academy is a specialized training program for individuals with disabilities. The curriculum teaches a combination of general skills needed for work environments and specialized, plant-specific training with the aim of offering program graduates a full-time employment opportunity with syncreon!

The Talent Academy is tailored to accommodate various needs and ability levels. The course includes subjects like communication, networking, adjusting to a working environment, and plant-specific skills such as picking and packing product. The course prepares participants for a job at syncreon while setting them up for success in all aspects of their lives.

Goodwill Services, Inc. provided our Master Trainer for the academy. Additionally, we’ve partnered with local and state agencies, such as the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, to locate candidates for the program.

The first Talent Academy class was a huge success, and after the session, five incredibly talented graduates were celebrated with a graduation ceremony! Each successful graduate was given an official certificate and an offer of employment at syncreon Carlisle!

Our second Talent Academy class is currently in session, and the site plans to continue to host classes every six weeks. Great job to the syncreon Carlisle team for supporting our 2018 charitable theme of Access and Empowerment for People of All Abilities, and continuing our efforts towards furthering employment opportunities for disabled individuals.

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