syncreon’s global team represents a
variety of cultures, languages and needs.
We are proud members of our communities, and we encourage both our employees and customers’ associates to be personally active in their local areas as well. We proactively create strong relationships and share what we have and what we know
with others in order to improve lives and the world around us on both an individual and collective scale.
Our Corporate Responsibility (CR) is one of our principal values and highest priorities. As a team, we share a commitment to:
- Respect the environments in which we live and work through green initiatives
- Promote health & safety guidelines in our facilities
- Encourage our syncreon team to engage in community outreach activities
Here at syncreon, we don’t just say that we care about the environment. Our culture of innovation and continuous improvement means that we are always searching for new ways to improve our systems, processes and facilities in order to reduce our impact on the environment. We put the highest value on not only environmental preservation overall, but the preservation of the communities in which we operate. We have made environmental issues a primary concern of our business operations, actively setting goals which exceed legal and regulatory requirements. We tackle these issues proactively whenever possible, taking steps to prevent problems before they arise and reacting quickly when they do.
As part of our continuous focus on future sustainability, we are delighted to have renewed our membership with the Conseil Européen de Remanufacture (European Remanufacturing Council) and The Reverse Logistics Association for 2021.
Reducing Carbon Emissions
In recent years we have made significant investments in video calling and video conferencing technologies for most of our sites and offices throughout the world. This allows our global teams to work together without needing to travel, cutting back on fuel consumption and emissions. Not alone does video calling and video conferencing technologies help reduce our impact on the environment, it helps our organization in reducing costs associated with travel. We work with our employees to encourage changes in commuting habits to help promote less impact on the environment.
Efficient product packaging
We are proud to use Greenline 100% post-consumer recycled paper for void filling in our shipments at a selected number of global facilities. This helps preserve forests, because it reduces demand for wood. It conserves resources and generates less pollution during manufacturing, because the fibers have already been processed once. In addition it reduces solid waste, because it diverts usable paper from the waste stream.
Reducing Carbon Emissions
We are working to replace the internal lighting at a number of our warehouse facilities with energy efficient LEDs that consume less electricity and are also more reliable and last longer than other lighting alternatives. Across our operations syncreon has a number of facilities that run their operations on green electricity. This helps with reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as supporting renewable energy development and reduce the carbon footprint associated with the electricity syncreon purchases.
Recycling & Waste Reduction
At syncreon we are actively looking at ways to increase our recycling rates & reduce paper consumption. Where printing is necessary we encourage our associates to print double sided and in black in white. At all of our facilities waste is segregated and disposed / recycled in an environmentally responsible manner.
We value the health and safety of our workforce, customers and citizens of the communities in which we operate. Our vision is to create an injury-free workplace and a company culture where environmental excellence is second nature. syncreon is committed to providing employees with an environment that is safe and secure.
ISO Standard Adherence
In 2017, we transitioned ten sites around the world from ISO 14001: 2004 to the new ISO 14001: 2015.
In 2018, syncreon’s Netherlands sites in Waalwijk, Tilburg and Venray were successfully audited by the National Standard Association of Ireland (NSAI) and have transitioned to ISO 45001 Certification. We are the first supply chain company to achieve this new standard. The new ISO 45001 standard for safety was released in March 2018, and thanks to our history with OHSAS 18001 and our transitions to the newest standards for Quality and the Environment, syncreon was ready to meet it.
Staying COVID-19 Secure in 2020, Click here

syncreon’s focus for 2021 is “Access and Empowerment for People of All Abilities.”
We strive to help others maximize their individual potential and overcome obstacles.
Our global team represents a variety of cultures, languages and needs.
While observing all COVID-19 rules and guidelines, teams are encouraged to be active in their communities in support of local and charitable organizations.
These efforts are especially important during the pandemic.
Throughout our years of operation, we have supported causes that fight disease, hunger and advocate for the education of our children. Our previous charitable initiative themes have included:
- Body, Mind and Enablement
- Children: Body and Mind
- Raising Our Hands for Education
- Chernobyl Children International
As a company, syncreon awards outstanding teams for efforts towards charitable initiatives. These awards include Best Fundraising Efforts, Best Volunteer Efforts and Overall Winner for Fundraising and Volunteer Efforts.
syncreon wholly supports the goals of the Responsible Business Alliance. syncreon is committed to the values contained in the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct and will ensure that our facilities are in compliance with the code. We have developed and aligned our Environmental, Health and Safety, Labour and Ethics policies and procedures reflecting the requirements of the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct specifically referencing the code where relevant. syncreon requires new direct suppliers to sign up to our Supplier Code of Conduct, as a contractual requirement, prior to us awarding work. We also expect our suppliers to ensure that their suppliers abide by the Responsible Business Alliance Code. In addition we require our suppliers to develop their own corporate responsibilities strategies, policies and processes, set goals and engage and audit their own suppliers. We require direct suppliers to provide reasonable assurance that they comply with international good practice as set out in our Supplier Code of Conduct. syncreon carries out due diligence activities and audits on our facilities and suppliers to check and verify compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct. Read our Supplier Code of Conduct.
At syncreon, we welcome everyone. We are proud of our diverse workforce and celebrate individual differences by embracing them in an inclusive environment. syncreon is an equal opportunity employer. We seek people with the passion, drive and willingness to share their unique perspectives and talents to help move our business forward. One of our current initiatives is to increase opportunities for people with disabilities. In support of this, we are dedicated to educating syncreon team members on awareness and inclusion to help ensure all new hires feel welcome. syncreon has a rich history of supporting enablement. The theme of our global community outreach program is “Access and Empowerment for People of All Abilities.” For years, syncreon has raised funds for local and charitable organizations around the world with the goal of helping others maximize their individual potential and overcome obstacles. The desire to help others is one of the hallmarks that makes syncreon a great place to work; it is part of our foundation. *syncreon will not discriminate against any worker based on race, color, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, religion, political affiliation, union membership, national origin, marital status or gender identity in hiring and employment practices.
UK Gender Pay Reports
syncreon Technology Gender Pay Gap Report 2018 syncreon Technology Gender Pay Gap Report 2019 syncreon Technology Gender Pay Gap Report 2020 syncreon Technology Gender Pay Gap Report 2021 syncreon Technology Gender Pay Gap Report 2022 syncreon Technology Gender Pay Gap Report 2023 syncreon Automotive Gender Pay Gap Report 2018 syncreon Automotive Gender Pay Gap Report 2019 syncreon Automotive Gender Pay Gap Report 2020 syncreon Automotive Gender Pay Gap Report 2021 syncreon Automotive Gender Pay Gap Report 2022 syncreon Automotive Gender Pay Gap Report 2023
Our comprehensive policies and code of conduct ensure that we provide safe working conditions for our employees at our operations and within our supply chain worldwide. We also ensure that our workers are treated with respect and dignity. We require our suppliers to commit, in all of their activities, to operate in full compliance with local and national Labor and Ethics laws, rules and regulations. We have developed and aligned Labour and Ethics policies and procedures reflecting the requirements of the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct specifically referencing the code where relevant.
To report any ethics violation:
- At syncreon we pride ourselves on upholding the highest standards of business integrity and ethics in the conduct of all company activity. It’s safe, it’s secure, it’s totally confidential.
To receive automated employment and income verifications:
- syncreon utilizes The Work Number for all employment, income, government benefit, and immigration verifications. Current and Former Employees:
- User ID: Your Social Security Number, PIN: Last 4 digits of your SSN + YYYY of birth. Verifiers: Employer Name: syncreon, Employer Code: 12365, Employees Social Security Number